Corjito La Suerte  



Las Alpujarras   A wealth of information about walks, scenic drives, the weather, local markets, emergency phone numbers, food and drinks plus lots more

Andalucia  - the "Information about Andalucia" website has information about the region for tourists, expats and investors. Check its pages on individual cities in the region:

                Granada                        Sevilla

                 Malaga                          Nerja

                 Almeria                         Jaen

Orgiva    Orgiva is the main town of the Alpujarras - this English language site has information about Orgiva and surroundings - Holiday rentals, travel, internet, public service, campings, hotels, restaurants, alternative (health) food, music, art, photos, shops, markets, solar energy, news and much, much more.   Welcome to La Alpujarra: La Alpujarra community and tourist information and activities, local news, forecast, events, classifieds, photos, message board and much more

the Olive Press     English Language Newspaper -  Andalucia’s Fortnightly News Publication  Information in the Spanish language

Footloose in the Alpujarras  Debra and David walk the slopes of Spain's highest mountain range: the Sierra Nevada, underneath the hot sun of Andalucia. Trailer of their film on DVD

Hiking trails Pitres  From short and easy to long and difficult